Mycotheca dell'Università degli Studi di Torino


Public Deposit

Fungal strains with application, education, taxonomic or scientific interest can be deposited in the MUT collection, by means the public deposition, under the terms of the Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) of MUT. This kind of deposition is free of charge. The MUT accepts only fungi belonging to risk groups 1 and 2 as specified by the European Directive 93/88/EEC and subsequent amendments.

You are kindly invited to contact the MUT Curator first before proceeding to the deposit request, which should be performed on line by means the registration on MUT website.

Request a public deposit now

Depositors obligations

The depositor must ratify a Prior Informed Consent (PIC), as required by the Convention on Biological Diversity. If the depositor did not collect the fungal strain, the depositor has to provide the PIC signed by the collector in the country of origin of the strain itself.
It is responsibility of the depositor to ensure that the deposit of the material does not infringe on any national and international obligation.

It is mandatory to provide information on the origin of the strain to be deposited, in order to allow MUT and its customers to act in agreement with the Convention on Biological Diversity. No strain with unknown origin will be accepted. In addition, the depositor have to kindly provide as much information about the strain, by filling the MUT accession form, and to subscribe a Material Acquisition Agreement.

Guidance for sending strains to MUT

Cultures should be preferably offered as lyophilised or on agar medium.
The strain purity and authenticity will be assessed before the assignment of an accession number MUT and the provided information will be included in the MUT database. The MUT accession number will be communicated to the strain depositor as a receipt.
Cultures contaminated by the presence of mites will be destroyed immediately upon receipt to protect the collection.

Please, send your cultures by courier and ensure they are well packed to avoid breakage of the tubes or Petri dishes. Pathogenic material should be packed according to the international prescriptions (IATA for transport by air, and ADR for transport by road). For risk group 1 organisms, packing must meet EN 829 triple containment requirements. Organisms belonging to the risk group 2 require that packaging meeting defined standards for dangerous goods (ICAO/IATA instruction 602).

Please send your cultures to the attention of:

Dr Giovanna Cristina Varese
Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology
University of Turin
Viale Mattioli 25
10125 Torino